The Discworld series is by far Terry Pratchett’s most famous work. It’s a satirical fantasy collection with multiple books all set on the same flat planet. Since there are so many subseries and a lot of references between novels, the reading order can get quite complicated. Here’s the best guide to reading the Discworld collection in chronological order!
List of Books Per Series
The Wizards (Rincewind)
- The Colour of Magic
- The Light Fantastic
- Sourcery
- Eric
- Interesting Times
- The Last Continent
- Unseen Academicals
- The Last Hero
The Witches
- Equal Rites
- Wyrd Sisters
- Witches Abroad
- Lords and Ladies
- Maskerade
- Carpe Jugulum
- Mort
- Reaper Man
- Soul Music
- Hogfather
- Thief of Time
The City Watch
- Guards! Guards!
- Men At Arms
- Feet of Clay
- Jingo
- The Fifth Elephant
- Night Watch
- Thud!
- Snuff
- Theatre of Cruelty
- Where’s My Cow?
- The World of Poo
- Minutes of the meeting to form the proposed Ankh-Morpok Federation of Scouts
The Nac Mac Feegles (Tiffany Aching)
- The Wee Free Men
- A Hat Full of Sky
- Wintersmith
- I Shall Wear Midnight
- The Shepherd’s Crown
Moist von Lipwig
- Going Postal
- Making Money
- Raising Steam
- Mrs Bradshaw’s Handbook
Industrial Revolution
- Moving Pictures
- The Truth
- Monstrous Regiment
Ancient Civilizations
- Pyramids
- Death and What Comes Next
- Small Gods
The Science of Discworld
- The Science of Discworld I
- The Science of Discworld II: The Globe
- The Science of Discworld III: Darwin’s Watch
- The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day
Books in Publication Order
- The Colour of Magic
- The Light Fantastic
- Equal Rites
- Mort
- Sourcery
- Wyrd Sisters
- Pyramids
- Guards! Guards!
- Faust Eric
- Moving Pictures
- Reaper Man
- Witches Abroad
- Small Gods
- Lords and Ladies
- Troll Bridge
- Men at Arms
- Theatre of Cruelty
- Soul Music
- Interesting times
- Maskerade
- Feet of Clay
- Hogfather
- Jingo
- The Last Continent
- Carpe Jugulum
- The Sea and Little Fishes
- The Science of Discworld
- The Fifth Elephant
- Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook
- The Truth
- Thief of Time
- The Last Hero
- The Amazing Maurice And His Educated Rodents
- Night Watch
- Death and What Comes Next
- The Science of Discworld II: The Globe
- The Wee Free Men
- Monstrous Regiment
- A Hat Full of Sky
- Going Postal
- Thud!
- A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices
- Where’s My Cow?
- The Science of Discworld III: Darwin’s Watch
- Wintersmith
- Making Money
- Minutes of the meeting to form the proposed Ankh-Morpok Federation of Scouts
- Unseen Academicals
- I Shall Wear Midnight
- Snuff
- The World of Poo
- Raising Steam
- Mrs Bradshaw’s Handbook
- The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day
- The Shepherd’s Crown
Books in Chronological Order
- The Colour of Magic
- The Light Fantastic
- Sourcery
- Troll Bridge
- Faust Eric
- Moving Pictures
- Interesting Times
- The Last Continent
- The Science of Discworld I
- The Science of Discworld II: The Globe
- The Science of Discworld III: Darwin’s Watch
- The Science of Discworld IV: Judgement Day
- The Last Hero
- Guards! Guards!
- Theatre of Cruelty
- Men at Arms
- Feet of Clay
- Jingo
- The Fifth Elephant
- The Truth
- Unseen Academicals
- A Collegiate Casting-Out of Devilish Devices
- Mort
- Reaper Man
- Soul Music
- Hogfather
- Pyramids
- Death and What Comes Next
- Small Gods
- Thief of Time
- Night Watch
- Monstrous Regiment
- Where’s My Cow?
- Thud!
- Minutes of the meeting to form the proposed Ankh-Morpork Federation of Scouts
- Snuff
- The World of Poo
- Going Postal
- Making Money
- Raising Steam
- Mrs Bradshaw’s Handbook
- Equal Rites
- Wyrd Sisters
- Witches Abroad
- Lords and Ladies
- Maskerade
- Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook
- The Sea and Little Fishes
- Carpe Jugulum
- The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents
- The Wee Free Men
- A Hat Full of Sky
- Wintersmith
- I Shall Wear Midnight
- The Shepherd Crown
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