A popular site for weddings and famously named after Cole’s wife, now you too can experience the romantic setting of Florence Court House!
A popular site for weddings and famously named after Cole’s wife, now you too can experience the romantic setting of Florence Court House!
Many people forced to read classics in school now hate them, while others simply don’t know where to start. Want to read classics? This is the post for you!
Learn everything you need to know about basic internet security, from how to stay safe online to the main forms of cyber attacks to how to keep your information as secure as possible!
Internet security is one of the most important topics today. In a world turning tech, keeping your information safe online is crucial. Want to know how?
All of my Fantasy book reviews, from J. R. R. Tolkien to Patrick Rothfuss to George R. R. Martin!
All of my 2/5 star book reviews for sort of okay-ish novels!
All of my 4/5 star book reviews for brilliant novels with minor drawbacks!
All of my Adventure book reviews, from Vicor Hugo to Robert Louis Stevenson to Alexandre Dumas!
All of my 1/5 star book reviews for my least favourite novels!